Camping in Milwaukee — A Short Story by Rajiv Bakshi, India

The Cultural Reverence

Camping in Milwaukee

The first camping trip I remember was when I was in a boarding school in Kapurthala in the 1960s. I went to a NCC tour when I was in class 8. I hardly remember any details as to how many students went, who were the teachers who accompanied us and what was the food we had. The only thing I remember is the place where we camped and the food we took. A few cooks had accompanied us.

It was a chance encounter when I was asked by my son who stays in Chicago whether I and my wife would like to accompany them and their friends camping in Milwaukee, the largest city in Wisconsin state in the USA. Two of his friends who are from Amritsar and Pathankot were also part of the group. We were in no mood to join the tour as we would…

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